Hispanistan from Sierra El Torcal, Málaga

Hispanistan from Sierra El Torcal, Málaga

Sierra del Torcal, Málaga (Spain)

It was a pleasure creating this audio visual musical journey through one of the natural wonders of Andalucia, La Sierra del Torcal with Granada based band, Hispanistán.  It was a windy cloudy day with rain clouds hovering over the high peaks above us threatening us to cancel this first ever stream with a musician ensemble.  The band even called to ask if they should travel all the way from Granada for the event.  But we set up the gear, kept our respect and faith and watched the clouds part just as the band cast out into the afternoon glow their Mediterranean roots jazz infused music.  The stream also includes an interview with a local nature guide to this protected area that is known worldwide for its amazing rock formations formed over tens of thousands of years by the greatest sculptor on Earth, the wind and the rain.  The journey has begun…..


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